Why jumping to conclusions can make things worse

Why US politicians should not jump to conclusions but instead pause, take stock, and adopt a hypothesis-based structured analytical thinking approach as used by high-level consulting firms… The world is trying to come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump has won the US Election. Brexit plus! The incumbent Democratic party… Read More

How creative agencies can take on consulting firms at their own game – and win

Creativity is not enough  More and more, creative agencies and consultancies find themselves targeting the same client accounts. The good news for creative agencies is that if they are able to combine their design, innovation and creativity with the intellectual discipline, analytical skills and scientific rigour from consulting, they… Read More

Switch from Analytical to Anecdotal to Communicate Insight

Back in November 2020, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty were presenting the latest Coronavirus data on rising infection rates and potential consequences one Saturday night during primetime viewing in the UK. They were criticised for presenting 16 slides in 12 minutes. The charts were confusing and lost clarity, as there… Read More

The Pelorus – April 2019

Welcome to April’s edition of The Pelorus: a selection of content and research Openside have discovered in the last month – which you may not have seen – which we hope you find valuable and relevant to your work. Our aim is to give you insights and perspectives which challenge… Read More

Part 1: The challenges facing marketing teams in traditional professional services firms

Recent research suggests there are two main reasons why marketing remains undervalued in professional services firms: 1. The Attitudes of Partners and Principals towards marketing  The unique dynamics of professional services firms mean that partners and principals often view the marketing team sceptically as second-tier ‘operational functionaries’. Being a marketing… Read More