Imagine a world where curiosity never sleeps. 

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We often admire children’s curiosity and intrigue to learn new things about everything, and although the ‘yes, but why is the sky blue’ question may become repetitive we have to wonder, at what point did we stop wanting to ask those types of questions? At what point did learning become a chore rather than an adventure?   

The rewards of learning as adults is immense and in a workplace where people are engaged, evolving and excited, the possibilities of success are endless. So, is it fear of failure that causes adults to lose that interest? Or perhaps negative learning experiences in the past?  Or perhaps a perceived lack of time. 

We have noted in recent work with clients, that many executives have stopped reading or read very little. Curiosity, learning and mind-expanding activities have taken a back seat as they are swamped by immediate demands of the day. 

It is vital that we don’t lose our curiosity and zest for learning. 

So just how can we bring back that zest for learning into a workplace setting?  

To do this, learning initiatives should be relevant to individuals, rather than generic. Programmes should be tailored and not just picked ‘off the shelf’ as a one size fits all approach.  

Learning should be incorporated into day-to-day work, realistic and achievable goals should be set and used as part of performance reviews to ensure that people are growing and developing. This allows open communication and feedback but can also show a return on investment from training programmes and any other learning initiatives. 

Companies should visibly show support for learning. For example, they should allow individuals to set aside time to attend scheduled training programmes and then allow them the space and time to complete them without conflicting demands. 

Imagine if we could embody the learning, not just learn: Rediscover the joy of exploration and the process of learning itself.  

“Anyone who stops learning is old — whether this happens at twenty or at eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but becomes constantly more valuable — regardless of physical capacity.”  Henry Ford 

Author: Naomi Fenn-Mansfield