Don’t Let Tradition Hold You Back. Why Culture Needs to Change, and How You Can Be the Catalyst.

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Clinging to outdated traditions can cripple even the most established professional services firms. The culture that fuelled their success in the past may not be the one that supports their continued development.

Here’s why company cultures need to adapt:

  • New generations have different work styles and expectations.
  • Talent: A surprising [1]40% of job seekers will consider company culture before deciding on a job.
  • Legacy is at stake:  Bridge the cultural gap to preserve what makes your firm unique. According to a recent Gallup study [2]1 in 5 employees disagree or strongly disagree that their employer would do what is right if they raised a concern about ethics and integrity. 

Did you know… that [3]1 in 3 people feel anxious and a sense of dread when heading into work – likely due to an unfavourable workplace culture.

As Bill Marklein said, ‘Culture is how people’s hearts and stomachs feel about Monday morning on Sunday evening’.

So, how can firms cultivate an evolving and appropriate culture?

  • Every firm will have ‘uncontested untouchables’, or ‘organisational sacred cows’ which may be inhibiting development.  Embrace self-reflection:  uncover the hidden values that truly shape behaviour. Do you know your firm’s ‘uncontested untouchables’?
  • Align leadership development to emphasise the Partner level role as  ‘Cultural Custodian’
  • Invest in the firm’s future: identify a career development path for all built around the three leadership pillars vital to professional service – Exemplifying the Brand, Embodying the Culture and Ensuring the legacy.

Promoting cultural awareness and fostering cultural evolution, can become the catalyst for positive change. This does not mean forgetting the firm’s heritage. It means using it to build a thriving, future-thinking organisation.

Take the first step towards developing future leaders around their three critical roles.  Connect with us today to learn more.

#CompanyCulture #Leadership #Openside

1: LinkedIn: The Reinvention of Company Culture

2: Gallup: Perspective on Culture Asset Management

3: SHRM: Strengthening  Workplace Culture